Transparency, Scope, and Targeting of State Aid in the Western Balkans: A Key to Growth?


WEBecon Network has published the study “Empowering Western Balkan Economies: Attractiveness and Transparency of State Aid in the Region.” The link to the full analysis is available here. The goal of this study is to examine the types, amounts, and measures of state aid provided by the governments of the six Western Balkan countries to domestic and foreign […]

A new regional project is to be implemented


WEBecon Network won a competitive bid to implement the project „Roadmaps on Western Balkan Labour Market Policies Database Alignment with the EU and Capacity Building for WB Partners”, led by its member CREDI. This assignment’s goal is to evaluate the discrepancy between Western Balkan economies’ current practices and the methodology of EU LMP Statistics and […]

WEBecon holds its first Startegic Workshop


The Strategic Workshop aimed to gather members together, discuss the strategic orientation of the network, set up key documents of the network, and pave the way for its further activities. It was held in Skopje, 28-29 July 2022, with all the members participating. The agenda of the workshop could be seen here. The gallery of […]